[A work in progress.]
The Treehouse—Also, Pablo and Mija’s Treehouse. Pablo/Paul made this website for us as a gift—a place to host our stories. It opened in 1999. It is currently offline for reasons, but it will hopefully reappear soon.
Story Legends
- M = adult male
- F = adult female
- X = adult nonbinary / gender unknown
- m = child male
- f = child female
- x = child nonbinary / gender unknown
The slash is, well, a slash. So FM/m would be an adult male and adult female spank a male child… and so 0n.
Newsgroup – For me, “the newsgroup” refers to both alt.sex.spanking (ASS) and soc. sexuality.spanking (SSS), both Usenet groups.
Shadow Lane
el tercer ojo
SSC – Short Story Contest – an annual event on both newsgroups, ASS and SSS.