[Originally posted to the Usenet group soc.sexuality.spanking.]
The new text is Copyright 1998 to Mija. Please respect this copyright. Don’t distribute or archive this story in any way except for personal use without explicit permission. No, it’s not in the public domain. Thanks.
A few summers ago (“few” as in like 1996 – my first year of graduate school), I was in a reading group for 19c American fiction. One week, I had to read a novel first published as a serial in the New York Ledger in 1858. The book is The Hidden Hand, by Emma Nevitte, published under the pen name E.D.E.N. Southworth. It’s a potboiler and great fun.

The main character is Capitola (nicknamed Cap), an irrepressible brat. She is an unrepentant tomboy from the beginning of the book, where we meet her dressed as a boy selling newspapers on the streets of New York, to the end, when she releases a criminal from prison on the eve of her wedding. This is a character, indeed a book, that cries out for a spanking scene. Here is my attempt to supply this obvious want. I had a hard time cutting this, so it runs pretty long.
First a bit of plot summary. . . .
When the following scene picks up, Capitola has already been found by her guardian (whom she calls ‘Uncle’ despite a lack of biological tie) in New York and rescued from the streets to live in (boring) luxury on his estate in rural Virginia. She is being pursued by an arch-villain who wishes her dead, and thus, must both learn to live like a lady, though she has been used to the freedom of being a boy and being watched over most of the time. Thus, she begins to take pleasure in bratty tricks on her guardian, Major Ira Warfield (nickname Old Hurricane). He cannot figure out how to discipline the young woman (aged about 15), is used to dealing with boys, so in despair consults his minister, Pastor Goodwin. All of the following text before and after the break is edited original. The text between the breaks is mine. We open mid-chapter, the major having told about Capitola’s history to the Rev. Goodwin…