[I began writing this post on Thursday, September 26, the morning after the munch.]

Last night, I dashed out of the second-floor classroom and hurried down the stairs. The Uber I’d requested five minutes before the class ended was early — the app alerted me the driver was already there.1I’d thought about sneaking out early, but I’ve found it more difficult to pull that off now that I’m the professor. I was wearing what I think of as my “Barbie Flight Attendant” outfit – a pink plaid fitted jumper,2I’d received comments about “looking nice” all day on campus. That means I either did look nice or stood out like a sore thumb. Or maybe both. pink striped shirt, burgundy tights, black buckle docs, and white knickers no one could see. My hair (finally) is long enough to need clips to hold it back.
The waiting Uber took me to The Auld Fella for my first Rosy Peaches Munch. I arrived at 10:25, barely a half hour before the munch was scheduled to end. When I took a peek at the outdoor area reserved for the munch, I was surprised at how many people had come and were still there. It was a crowd — and like Oasis, a much more diverse one than I’d experienced ten years ago. I was glad to see that, but, you know, a crowd is still a crowd.
Those of you who know or have spent any time with me know that in-person (as opposed to online) social interaction is, to put it mildly, hard for me. For a brief moment, I considered retreating inside the pub and waiting there for Paul, who was scheduled to pick me up at 11. Fortunately, the endorphins from three hours of teaching caught up, and I walked in. A bare moment later, one of the organizers greeted me, asked my name, and began to introduce me. Here entered a haze of names and faces, including two lovely people I’d met at Oasis last month. Unfortunately, at this point, social overwhelm found me stumbling for conversation, and all names immediately left me.
Happily, at that point, I ended up in conversation with someone new3How new? She has no scene name yet. to the spanking scene, who made a point of telling me how great it was to meet another “hard-wired spanko,” and the two of us got into it; the rest of the munch, for me, receding into the background.
Talking with her for the brief half-hour we had, I found her obvious joy and wonder at the, brand new to her, spanking scene infectious. As I caught some of her emotion, it brought back the wonder, pleasure, and excitement I felt in those first few months after discovering this online4Confession: in 1996 when, inside my university email program, I found alt.sex.spanking I had a misapprehension that it was a real place… in Florida for some reason. More on that later… community with post-after-post about spanking. She was clearly having so much fun. It reminded me how much fun this scene can be. Seriously heart-lifting.
Time flew — it felt like only a few minutes later when I got a text from Paul saying he and our doggo were parked nearby whenever I was ready. Sure enough, it was already 11 and time to go.5Have I mentioned I’ve got a 10:30 PM bedtime? Yeah, well, I do. We walked out together, exchanging contact information, still pouring out our hearts, chatting until her Uber arrived. Scolding, discipline/punishment, “good girl”/”naughty girl,” dictionary word searches, hiding, being seen, painful vanilla relationships — it felt like all the topics from a weekend spanking party were captured and mentioned. As her ride pulled away, I remembered how fun talking in person about all things spanking with another spanko woman is. On the ride home, I struggled to keep my enthusiasm from boiling over.
Finally home and in bed, thinking about everything that had happened in an hour, happy and excited, I wished we’d had longer and hoped we could speak again soon. Friday morning, I woke up feeling all the joy, smiling at how much fun we’d had, plotting new adventures.
Friday, I also got whacked super hard with our London Tanner tawse and wrote lines at my new-old school desk. But that’s another story/post.
Image credit: https://pngimg.com/image/4902
- 1I’d thought about sneaking out early, but I’ve found it more difficult to pull that off now that I’m the professor.
- 2I’d received comments about “looking nice” all day on campus. That means I either did look nice or stood out like a sore thumb. Or maybe both.
- 3How new? She has no scene name yet.
- 4Confession: in 1996 when, inside my university email program, I found alt.sex.spanking I had a misapprehension that it was a real place… in Florida for some reason. More on that later…
- 5Have I mentioned I’ve got a 10:30 PM bedtime? Yeah, well, I do.